Spider-Woman gloves

This is my first time making gloves. Hands are so small and intricate in their shape and movement I knew this would be a tough project. Spider-woman has such uniquely designed gloves, however, I couldn't see any way around it, I had to make gloves for this cosplay.
I looked up and tried a few different ways of getting a glove pattern, but settled on the duct tape method. I began by wearing latex gloves,then covering them with duct tape. The latex is just to give the duct tape something to adhere to other than my skin, you could use plastic or another alternative disposable glove.
 When I was sure my had was covered and there were no gaps in the tape, I drew an outline in sharpie around what would become my glove pattern.
Finally, I began to cut the pattern out along the sharpie line. I found that I could take my hand out of the glove if I just cut a slit up the side first, then finish cutting once it was removed.
Laying the pieces as flat as I could on a piece of paper, I traced each piece of my pattern out so that I would have a nice clean version of the duct tape shell.
I then added a thin outline around my pieces to give them a seam allowance. (extra fabric that will become the seam) 
I used my pattern to cut out all my pieces and sewed the odd colored fingers on to the "palm" pieces of my gloves. I had to be careful not to get my fingers mixed up or I would have had a pinky length index finger, etc. I did a mock up first and worked out a few kinks in my pattern and assembly.
I learned that the strips of fabric that go between the flat hand outline shapes is called a "forechette." I attached these to one side of the glove first, than the other, before sewing the sides of the hand and the thumb in place.
The only thing left was to make the rectangular opening in the back of the hand. I did this by first drawing my rectangle shape with chalk, cutting a "Y" shape, then sewing the tabs of fabric back. 

Last I added a cuff and some snaps. 
They aren't perfect, but I think they turned out pretty nice for my first attempt at making gloves. 
Check out this video to see a quick run-down of these steps!

 Click here to see where I got the fabric for these gloves, and to see how I made Spider-woman's jacket.

Click here to see how I made boots to match. 

Click Here  to see how I made the final accessories

Click Here to see how the cosplay came together in my photo shoot


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