Young Woman in Excellence

I was asked to make invitations to the annual female youth achievement program celebration and awards night also called "Young Women in Excellence." The program focuses on building a young woman's character, spirituality, and talents. With this prompt I felt inspired to use bird imagery, and I always loved how a cardinal would stand out with its bright red feathers. She holds her head high because she is aware of her individual worth. She is crowned because of her inherent Divine nature as a Daughter of God, and also because of her diligence in striving to rise above her human nature.
*I apologize for the image quality in this post, I don't know what happened to the colors when I resized the images to put them in here.In the first image the color was intensified, and in the second it was dulled I am clueless as to how this happened. Try to imagine something in between the two to get an idea of the piece's actual colors.


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