Thankful for the GIft

The number Ten appears many times in the Bible, and often in association with gifts from Heavenly Father. The Ten commandments given to ease the journey and lead us back to Him. Ten pounds divided among ten servants. Ten Lepers given their lives back. And along with the gifts we are given, is expected gratitude. In my Faith we are asked to give Ten Per Cent of our income. With this in mind I chose to put ten flowers in my picture, each with a gold center, each precious. The Daisy also represents purity, beauty, and respect. Nine of these are on her head, arranged to adorn, and acting as a crown. One of the nine is in her hands as she bows her head in an attitude of reverence or prayer, giving thanks for her blessings.
God gives us blessings which enrich our lives. If we appreciate these gifts it will magnify their beauty, `and they will adorn our lives to enhance the beauty and joy of our experience.


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